Jack FM Gazette October, 2023

Jack FM Gazette – October 2023

Jack FM Gazette – October 2023

Container of Indict-Mints
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Photo of man wearing a jack-o-lantern head with a caption: Pumpkin Spice Overdose

October, 2023 • Vol. 1, Issue 7


It’s Eezee Peezee: Just send JACK FM a photo of your pet in costume either “Playing What It Wants” or “Making a Request.”
Photo of a jack-o-lantern throwing up guacamole into a plate of tortilla chips
2023's most popular halloween costumes
  1. Inflatable Oppenheimer Bomb costume
  2. TRAILER Swift (use excessive makeup and redneck teeth)
  3. Dead Lasso
  4. Slider-man (includes delicious slider recipe)
  5. Weird Barbie

Jack FM has comics...

TOON Of The Month

Cartoon of a woman who got too much botox just in time for Halloween
Jack FM's favorite Halloween Jacktivities

Perks Of Attending A World Series Game

  • Enjoy a Pumpkin Spice Beer for $20
  • The coupon on the back of your ticket gets you 20% off at Wendy’s
  • Forgiven for totally ignoring all 4,860 regular season games
  • Celebrity spotting in the restroom
  • Stale peanuts never tasted so good
Baseball umpire calling a strike by pointing


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